IRC-IRE workshop on regional foresight, Ljubljana

一月 21, 2003

Brussels, 20 Jan 2003

The innovation relay centres and 'innovating regions in Europe central unit' (IRC-IRE) will host a workshop on regional foresight in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 3 to 4 March.

Foresight can be described as the ability to detect relevant signals early enough to assess the risks and opportunities presented by science and technology breakthroughs, and has become a key tool in successful innovation investment.

While foresight activities have been successfully carried out at a national and European level, regions have so far been less able to benefit from the catalytic role that foresight can have on innovation systems.

This two day event aims to assist those institutions keen to introduce foresight programmes and policies, but feel that they posses insufficient knowledge to do so. The workshop will outline practical methods for implementing foresight activities, present examples of best practice from other European regions, and provide information on the support provided by the European Commission for such initiatives.

Keynote speakers at the event will include Ms Danica Simic, the Mayor of Ljubljana, Dr Günter Clar from the Foresight Unit of the Commission's DG Research, and Mr Augusto Ferreira from the IRC-IRE central unit.

Further information: k/events/displayEvents.cfm?eve_id=131
Remarks: Places at the event are limited to 35, so early registration is recommended. The working language for the workshop will be English.

CORDIS RTD-NEWS / © European Communities



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