From today's UK papers

十二月 11, 2001

Riot report blames police, ministers and communities
Police, central government, local media, inept councillors and inward-looking Asian communities are all attacked in a damning Home Office report into the causes of the riots in northern England this summer. ( Guardian , Independent , Daily Telegraph , Times )

Breast cancer treatment hope
Women with early breast cancer were given new hope yesterday when preliminary results of a trial of the drug anastrozole showed it to be significantly better than the standard treatment. (Da ily Telegraph , Independent , Guardian , Times )

Screens replace chalk and board
The government held out a vision of the paperless school yesterday when it unveiled plans to put all subjects in the national curriculum online from next September. ( Times , Independent , Financial Times )

PM pledges to inform MPs before media
Tony Blair has promised that the government will stop leaking important announcements to the media before telling Parliament. ( Daily Telegraph , Independent , Financial Times )

Blair complains about press stories on son
Tony Blair has reinforced his determination to protect the privacy of his children by referring a story about his son's university plans to the press complaints commission. The prime minister said an article in the Daily Telegraph last Friday, and a further report in the Daily Mail on Saturday, were in breach of the newspaper industry's code of practice. ( Guardian )

Late starters
Why many universities now recruit students for courses beginning in February. ( Guardian )

Defiant Nigeria imports cheaper HIV drugs
Nigeria has defied pressure from multinational pharmaceutical companies by becoming the first African country to import cheap copies of patented Aids drugs. ( Guardian )

UK's first designer baby lab under way
Britain's first "designer baby" laboratory is being built by one of the leading fertility experts in the country, it emerged last night. Mohammed Taranissi is creating the lab just off Harley Street in London to offer families with seriously ill children the chance to select genetically designed embryos. ( Guardian )

Mexican police exposed as student killers
A set of photographs sent anonymously to a journalist in Spain has provided the first proof in 33 years that Mexican governments have lied about the role of paramilitaries in a massacre of students just before the 1968 Olympic Games. ( Guardian )   



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