Expert panel begins its evaluation of the IST priority

二月 13, 2004

Brussels, 12 Feb 2004

An independent panel of five high level experts has begun the five year evaluation of the Information Society Technologies (IST) priority of the European research framework programmes.

The panel is chaired by former Portuguese Minister for science and technology, Jose Mariano Gago, and is tasked with assessing the effectiveness and achievements of the IST priority since 1999, as well as making recommendations on the future evolution of the programme.

A spokesperson for the Commission told CORDIS News: 'The first meeting of the panel took place on January, where it was decided that the evaluation would include a broad consultation with relevant stakeholders. That consultation process is now underway, and the panel hope to produce its first draft report in April.'

In its evaluation, the panel must seek to address the following questions:
- Were activities within the IST priority carried out efficiently and cost effectively?
- Did the activities integrate and strengthen the European Research Area (ERA)?
- Are the programme's research objectives still relevant?
- What are the options and priorities for the further development of the ERA in the field of IST?

In order to help the panel in its work, a number of studies have been undertaken that will provide impact assessments and contextual analyses of the IST programme. The experts will also be supported by a team of professional evaluators, who will plan the evaluation and help compile the final report.

The findings and recommendations of that report will be used by the Commission in preparing proposals for future research and development in the IST field. They will also feed into the overall evaluation of the EU's research and technological development activities that was agreed on as part of the decision to launch the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6).

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