E-science programme

Deadline: 15/06/2001

五月 25, 2001

The NERC has a ten year vision for the development of coupled Earth System models that improve both the understanding of the complex interactions within and between the biosphere, the geosphere, the atmosphere and the hydrosphere and the ability to confidently predict and resolve environmental problems.

E-science is seen as an important initiative on the road to realising this objective. One way of accelerating progress will be by enhancing interactions between the science and information technology community, using the novel computing techniques offered by Grid technologies to address excellent science questions. NERC e-Science investments will provide an opportunity to do this.

Major Awards
Aim to support consortia-based proposals from partnerships involving application scientists and engineers, computational scientists and information technology experts including those from industry and commerce.

Full details: www.nerc.ac.uk/funding/sr2000/EScienceAO1.htm .
Contact: Angela Morrison
Address: Cross Disciplinary Team (E-Science)
Science Programmes Directorate
Polaris House
North Star Avenue
Swindon SN2 1EU

Email: ajm@nerc.ac.uk



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