Call for expressions of interest in membership of scientific panels at European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (OJ link)

十月 6, 2005

Brussels, 5 October 2005

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Call for interest, members of scientific panels (OJ C244A/1 4.10.2005).
Full text

Applications are invited for membership in the scientific panels of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).

About the Centre

The Centre is located in Stockholm, Sweden and started its operations in May 2005. The legal base for the Centre is Regulation (EC) No 851/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 establishing a European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

General description of the tasks and role of the Centre

The mission of the Centre is to identify, assess and communicate current and emerging threats to human health from communicable diseases. Within this broad mission statement, the main technical tasks of the Centre fall into the following four categories:

(a) epidemiological surveillance and networking of laboratories, i.e. the development of epidemiological surveillance at European level and the maintenance of networks of reference laboratories,

(b) early warning and response, based on 'round the clock' availability of specialists in communicable diseases,

(c) scientific opinions, bringing together technical expertise in specific fields through its various EUwide networks and via ad hoc scientific panel and

(d) technical assistance and communication about its activities and results, and disseminating information tailored to meet the needs of its different audiences.

In its horizontal projects the Centre will gradually develop its full capacity to cover the full range of communicable diseases in prevention, preparedness, response and control.

Description of the Unit 'Scientific Advice'

The main task of the unit for Scientific Advice is to provide sound and independent technical and scientific advice. This will be accomplished with a strong scientific core within the Centre, combined with good connections with the leading scientists in Europe in microbiology, epidemiology, clinical infectious diseases, and other sciences.

The Unit will be supported in its scientific work by
- the Advisory Forum, which is composed of one scientific expert nominated by each Member State, and which meets every third month,
- by a number of scientific panels,
- by ad hoc panels as need arises.

The scientific panels

Six scientific panels are to be set up, each consisting of 11 members. Their respective fields will largely coincide with the broad disease groups set out in the Annex to Decision 2119/98/EC , and will be:
- air-borne diseases (including influenza),
- vaccine-preventable diseases (including vaccine issues),
- sexually transmitted infections and blood-borne viral diseases,
- food- and water-borne diseases, diseases of environmental origin, and zoonoses,
- antimicrobial resistance and nosocomial infections,
- serious imported diseases and other travel-related health issues.

There will also be a coordinating committee to address horizontal and interdisciplinary issues, constituted by the Chairs of these panels, the Secretariat of the panels from ECDC as well as other invited experts as need may arise.


Official Journal of the EU, No. C244A/1 4.10.2005 Previous Item Back to Titles Print Item



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