Austrian Presidency Conference on "European Technology Platforms"

四月 19, 2006

Brussels, 18 Apr 2006

WHAT? Conference
"European Technology Platforms"

WHEN? 4th - 5th May 2006

Austria Center Vienna
Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1
A-1220 Vienna

The Austrian EU Presidency will host a high-level European Technology Platforms Conference on 4-5 May in Vienna. This Conference will bring together, for the first time, a wide-ranging audience in order to raise awareness and discuss horizontal issues relevant to European Technology Platforms (ETPs). ETPs play a valuable role in structuring the European Research Area by bringing together a wide range of participants, led by industry and including universities and research institutions, national and regional public authorities, the financial world, end-user groups, regulatory bodies, and NGOs.

In addition, public authorities and policy makers are involved through the "mirror groups" that many ETPs have set up. Defining and implementing a Strategic Research Agenda they will focus on strategically important issues with high societal relevance. Their objective is to achieve Europe's future growth, competitiveness and sustainability dependent upon major research and technological advances in the medium to long term.

In the past few years, European Technology Platforms have emerged on a number of strategically important issues and have each brought together significant numbers of stakeholders with up to 200 players actively involved in some platforms. By mid-2006, some technology platforms will have been in existence for up to three years. The objectives of the conference are:

  • to bring together for the first time a broad range of stakeholders (e.g. industry, SMEs, academia, consumer organisations) and other relevant interested parties in European Technology Platforms;

  • to facilitate wide-ranging networking between stakeholders in different platforms with a view to promoting cross-platform exchanges of experience;

  • to draw some lessons and conclusions based on experience to date for the implementation of European Technology Platforms in the context of FP7;

  • to assess the role of technology platforms in boosting European competitiveness and the role of national authorities in this context;

  • to raise awareness amongst a broader audience on the existence of technology platforms and their activities.

In parallel to the conference, an exhibition will be held at which individual ETPs will communicate their achievements to date and their future plans.


  • Janez Potoc(nik, Commissioner for Research and Science
  • Martin Bartenstein, Austrian Minister of Economics and Labour
  • Vittorio Prodi, Member of the European Parliament
  • Jerzy Buzek, Member of the European Parliament
  • David Hamerstein-Mintz, Member of the European Parliament

Contacts for further information:
Alicia O'Rourke, Publications Officer
DG Research, European Commission
Tel: +32 2 296 1483 Fax: +32 2 295 4361
E-mail: Alicia.O'

Media contact:
Regine Prunzel, Press and Information Officer
Information and communication Unit, DG Research, European Commission
Tel.: +32.2.298 6383, Fax: +32.2.295 82 20

Further information on the ETPs

Further information on the Conference

DG Research
http:/// ndex_en.html
Item source



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