Letter: Bottom lines

二月 2, 2001

I was interested to read that Baroness Warwick, with whom Association of University Teachers comrades might find it difficult to make small talk when they present our petition, represents UUK (Universities UK, which was formerly the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals) (News, THES, January 26).

Another example of the careful rebadging of something unpopular to encourage the belief that it will do better in the future? We will find that there has been no change, I'm sure.

I only hope that the adoption of this abbreviation does not encourage, at the next day of protest, the confection of text-message-like union banners beginning with the sixth letter of the alphabet, for no doubt these would be gleefully photographed and "spun" against us, in the way that your recent page 3 examples of builder's cleavage could be (News, THES, January 19).

Geoff Woollen
University of Glasgow



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