The Little Book of New Labour Bollocks

The Little Book of New Labour Bollocks

十月 20, 2000

WHAT HE SAID: 'Not equal incomes. Not uniform lifestyles or taste or culture. But true equality: equal worth, an equal chance of fulfilment, equal access to knowledge and opportunity.'
WHAT HE MEANT: Inequality.
Tony Blair, prime minister, Speech to Labour Party Conference, September 1999.

WHAT THEY SAID: 'For better or worse, we have ademocratic system in this country.'
WHAT THEY MEANT: I didn't get where I am today by being elected.
Lord Falconer, minister of state in the Cabinet Office, on Question Time, BBC TV, May 11 2000

WHAT HE SAID: 'Tough on crime and tough on thecauses of crime.'
WHAT HE MEANT: Tough on crime.
Jack Straw, hundreds of times.

WHAT THEY SAID: 'Many of Labour's improvements will notoccur overnight.'
WHAT THEY MEANT: Many of Labour's improvements will not occur.
Labour Party policy document, January 2000.

WHAT HE SAID: 'We have built prior attainment into the threshold requirements.'
WHAT HE MEANT: I can't speak English properly.
David Blunkett, minister for education, House of Commons, May 16 2000

(Taken from: The Little Book of New Labour Bollocks : The Ultimate Antidote to Spin. )

The Little Book of New Labour Bollocks: The Ultimate Antidote to Spin

Author - Alistair Beaton
ISBN - 0 7434 04122
Publisher - Simon & Schuster
Price - £2.99



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