How to reconnect in a changed world

Guidance on rebuilding learning and research communities within universities after the pandemic's disruption

Hands overlapping to represent reconnection

The lockdowns and homeworking forced by Covid-19 interrupted the daily human interactions that feed into the rich life of a university and aid learning and research. The loss of face-to-face connections between academic colleagues and students, left many feeling isolated and disengaged from the broader work of their institution. Much progress has since been made in building communities and social engagement online. But now universities need to look at how to reconnect their diverse communities of students and staff as they move beyond pandemic response mode to shape a future where both in-person and digital communications will be key.

Building identity and belonging among students

Proactively building students’ sense of identity and belonging is vital for positive learning outcomes, explains Blake McKimmie. In this video, he gives advice on how it can be achieved

Blake McKimmie

The University of Queensland

Advice on designing online courses with lots of interactive elements boosts engagement