35,000 students from 54 different countries and from all the states of India
published highest number of research papers in India as per Scopus Database in 2016, 2017 and 2018 (till date)
offers 36 Undergraduate, 31 Post graduate, 4 Integrated and 3 Research Programs
MoUs with 235+ Universities worldwide
ranked among top 20 Engineering Institutions in India and ahead of all Govt. Engineering colleges, Private Engineering Institutions and many Institutes of National Importance as per Govt. of India, NIRF ranking for the consecutive three years in a row, 2016, 2017 and 2018.
ranked by the major International rankings such as THE World Ranking, THE Asia Ranking, THE emerging economies university rankings, THE Young university rankings QS BRICS Ranking, QS Asia Ranking, QS World University Ranking,
VIT is the first University in India to get 4 star rating by QS.