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Deputy Dean, Academy of Film and Creative Technology

Suzhou, China
Compettve salary in the market
Closing date
25 Dec 2024
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Academy: Academy of Film and Creatve Technology

Positon: Deputy Dean

Locaton: Taicang & Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, China

Contract Type: Fixed-term, renewable. 3rd contract is open-ended


In 2006 Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) was created by the University of Liverpool and Xi’an Jiaotong University – a top ten university in China. Ofering a unique internatonal educaton experience, XJTLU brings together excellent research practce and expertse from both insttutons and gives students the skills and knowledge they need to secure careers in a global marketplace. XJTLU now has over 25,000 enrolled students in both Suzhou and Liverpool in the UK, with plans to grow to about 28,000 students by 2025. There are currently about 2,000 staf, among which about 1,000 academic staf, with an almost even split between citzens of the People’s Republic of China and internatonal passport holders. XJTLU ofers our undergraduates and postgraduates over 100 programmes with a diverse spectrum of courses.

With a focus on innovatve learning and teaching, and research, XJTLU draws on the strengths of its parent universites, and plays a pivotal role in facilitatng access to China for UK and other insttutonal partners. At same tme, XJTLU is exploring future educaton by blending the educatonal theory, best practce and culture from west and east.

For detailed informaton about the university, please visit


Reshape the landscape of employment, creatng an escalatng demand for rich cultural, artstc, and entertainment experiences. Recognizing the vast potental in digital content creaton and producton, the academy is positoned to be at the forefront of this transformaton, ofering a plethora of opportunites for the next generaton of creatve professionals. The strategic planning for future development in this domain is approached with a promise of innovaton and a commitment to purposeful evoluton.


Commited to reshaping the standards of creatve technology and entrepreneurship educaton, the academy is dedicated to delivering exceptonal educatonal experiences and training in creatve arts and technology. With a focus on digital technology and driven by arts and culture, the academy is refocusing its eforts on the creaton and producton of digital content across various formats. This includes flm/TV arts, gaming, entertainment, cultural tourism, digital performances, digital exhibitons, and internet media. The academy aims to equip students with the professional skills and readiness necessary for their future careers and success. It aspires to serve as a comprehensive ecosystem for content creaton, producton, and training, extending its services to the XJTLU campus communites and to all entrepreneurial collaboraton partners associated with XJTLU, thereby repositoning itself as a global leader in the feld.


  • Equip students with professional skills and readiness for their future careers and success.
  • Serve as a comprehensive ecosystem for content creaton, producton, and training.
  • Extend our services to the XJTLU campus communites and entrepreneurial collaboraton partners.
  • Repositon AFCT as a global leader in the feld of flm and creatve technology.

Key Responsibilites:

  • Develop and implement innovatve educatonal programs in creatve technology.
  • Lead the academy in the creaton and producton of digital content.
  • Collaborate with XJTLU campus communites and partners to enhance the academy's ecosystem.
  • Drive the academy's global presence and leadership in flm and creatve technology educaton.


Leadership Support:

  • Assist the Dean in providing leadership and oversight to the Academy, including support in chairing the Academy’s Senior Management Team commitee (SSMT) when required.
  • Support the Dean in their full membership of the HoD Advisory Group, Dean's Advisory Group, and Academic Board.
  • Aid the Dean in leading the Academy's strategic planning process, ensuring alignment with the university's rolling three-year plans.
  • Help ensure that the Academy's teaching, research, and professional engagement actvites are in line with the Academy's mission, vision, and internatonal accreditaton standards.
  • Support the Dean in developing the Academy’s external engagement strategies and representng the Academy in both domestc and internatonal forums.
  • Assist the Dean in fostering synergistc collaboraton between the Academy and the rest of the University.

Administratve Support:

  • Assist in overseeing all actvites within the Academy, including the administraton of departments and functonal actvites.
  • Support the Dean in carrying out specifc administratve tasks assigned by the university, such as commitee service, chairing review panels, and other dutes.
  • Help the Dean in their direct responsibilites within the Academy, such as strategic and annual planning, budget development, fnancial approvals, and ensuring quality and standards are upheld.

Management Support:

  • Assist the Dean in managing all academic and professional support staf through their respectve reportng lines.
  • Support the Dean in ensuring that staf carry out their dutes professionally and efectvely, providing directon and feedback.
  • Assist the Dean in the in-line supervision and management of some individual staf members.
  • Help the Dean with the efectve management of the Annual Performance Management system at the Academy level.

Key Relatonships Support:

  • Work closely with the Dean in reportng to the VP Academic Afairs and support the Dean in their interactons with other key university fgures.
  • Assist the Dean in working with Associate Vice-Presidents, the Director of the Centre for Academic Afairs, and Heads of Departments (HoDs) to develop research synergies and administratve services.
  • Support the Dean in their collaboraton with other Deans and HoDs across the University, partcularly through the Academic Management Group and the Academic Leadership Group.
  • Help the Dean maintain regular meetngs with direct reports, all staf in the Academy, and act as a leader and mentor to Academy staf.

Responsibilites Support:

  • Assist the Dean in their responsibilites to the Vice-President Academic Afairs for the academic development of the Academy, including research performance, teaching delivery, and outreach actvites.
  • Help the Dean with the regular assessment of teaching and research outcomes and work with administratve departments to improve these outcomes.
  • Support the Dean in ensuring the applicaton of university policies and regulatons and adherence to the laws and directves of the People’s Republic of China by staf in the Academy.

Evaluaton Support:

  • Assist the Dean in completng the annual Professional Development Review and support the evaluaton and monitoring by the VPAA.
  • Help the Dean in the annual planning process to review the efectveness and efciencies of resource and budget management at the Academy level.
  • The Deputy Dean's role is to provide support and assistance to the Dean in the executon of their dutes, ensuring the smooth operaton of the Academy and contributng to its strategic development and academic success.


  • Candidates must be a Ph.D. holder in a relevant subject from a world renowned university, or be able to demonstrate an equivalent professional practce and engagement.
  • Candidates must demonstrate a strong academic background, preferably with knowledge of practce-as-research.
  • Candidates must demonstrate a willingness and enthusiasm to embrace and manage change, and actvely engage with new educatonal models such as Syntegratve Educaton (SE).
  • Candidates shall become familiar with and observe Chinese and UK rules and regulatons of higher educaton.
  • Candidates shall have management experience with good people skills.
  • Candidates must have rich experience in research, academic leadership, strategic planning, people management, as well as academic management experience in a university, research insttuton or similar functons/areas.
  • Candidates must demonstrate a good track record of engagement with students and industry.
  • Candidates must have a high level of communicatve competence in English; an equivalent knowledge of Chinese would be an advantage.
  • Candidates with administraton and management experience in internatonal universites or Sino-foreign joint universites are preferred.
  • Some experience of working in a relevant industry would be an advantage.


Employment at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is regulated by Chinese Labour Laws, and must comply with the regulatons of the provincial government. These regulatons stpulate who is eligible for legal employment with regard to obtaining work permits and visas. Please be advised candidates over 65 may be not eligible for a work visa in the P.R. China.


SALARY: Compettve salary in the market


  1. Allowance: XJTLU provide various month/annual/one-of allowances as
    • Housing allowance
    • Travel allowance
    • Kids’ educaton allowance
    • Relocaton allowance
    • Etc.
  2. Commercial insurance: internatonal insurance plans customized for XJTLU staf and family members. (details refer to the University Policy)
  3. Paid holidays:
    • Statutory Holidays (11 days)
    • Annual Leave (36 days, including University closing days)
    • Family Maters Leave
    • Paid Sick Leave
    • Marriage Leave
    • Paternity Leave
    • Parental Leave
    • Etc.
  4. Working visa and residence permit in China: XJTLU sponsors working visa and residence permit in China for the staf.


Applicatons must be submited in a single pdf fle that includes 3 parts in the order of:

  • A cover leter
  • A current CV, including date of birth, country of citzenship, and highest degree level
  • Contact Details for Three References

For specifc enquiries relatng to the positon, please email to Professor Qian Liu, Dean of Academy by email on or to HRBP on

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