Deputy Director of International Recruitment & Mobility
- Employer
- Location
- Bangor, Gwynedd (GB)
- Salary
- Up to £61,000
- Closing date
- 27 Mar 2023
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- Job Type
- Senior Management & Heads of Department, Directors, Professional Services, International Activities
- Contract Type
- Permanent
- Hours
- Full Time
Job Details
Bangor or Wrexham
With its main campus located in one of the most beautiful regions of the UK, between the Snowdonia National Park and Anglesey, Bangor University has occupied a central role in the educational provision of the area since its foundation in 1884. With approximately 10,000 students and 2,000 staff, the university offers a wide range of academic provision grouped in three Colleges. Bangor University is a broad-based university with UK wide and international appeal, including Bangor College China, a partnership with Central South University of Forestry and Technology.
This newly created Deputy Director position will lead our international recruitment and mobility teams and be responsible for increasing the number of international students recruited to the university in line with institutional targets and increasing the number and range of students engaged in international mobility. The team has enjoyed recent success in delivering positive international student numbers and this role will continue to lead the cultural shift towards a KPI driven environment. A significant focus will be placed on developing effective business-to-business relationships and implementing a process of continual improvement around processes and systems.
You will develop positive working relationships across the university and manage teams, an extensive budget and take ownership for the success of international recruitment along with the growth of both inbound and outbound mobility. The role requires a confident, self-motivated, enthusiastic and driven individual, someone who can shift working cultures and be a team player across the wider directorate.
For more information on this outstanding new opportunity, please visit
Closing date: Midday, Monday 27 March 2023.
Bangor University values the diversity of all our staff and the enrichment this brings to our community. We are committed to an inclusive and supportive environment for all who come to work with us. We aim to take every opportunity to progress equality and diversity and actively encourage applications from candidates who are underrepresented at this level.
Prifysgol Bangor
Bangor neu Wrecsam
Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr Recriwtio a Symudedd Rhyngwladol
Hyd at £61,000
Mae prif gampws Prifysgol Bangor wedi ei leoli yn un o ardaloedd prydferthaf Prydain, rhwng Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri ac Ynys Môn, ac mae wedi chwarae rhan ganolog yn narpariaeth addysgol yr ardal ers ei sefydlu ym 1884. Mae gan y brifysgol oddeutu 10,000 o fyfyrwyr a 2,000 o staff, ac mae'n cynnig amrywiaeth dda o ddarpariaeth academaidd trwy dri o golegau. Mae Prifysgol Bangor yn brifysgol eang ei sylfaen gydag apêl ledled y Deyrnas Unedig ac yn rhyngwladol, gan gynnwys Coleg Bangor yn Tsieina, partneriaeth â’r Central South University of Forestry and Technology.
Bydd y swydd newydd hon, yn Ddirprwy Gyfarwyddwr, yn arwain ein timau recriwtio a symudedd rhyngwladol, ac yn gyfrifol am gynyddu nifer y myfyrwyr rhyngwladol sy'n cael eu recriwtio i'r brifysgol yn unol â thargedau sefydliadol. Nod arall fydd cynyddu nifer ac amrywiaeth y myfyrwyr sy'n ymwneud â gweithgareddau symudedd rhyngwladol. Mae'r tîm wedi mwynhau llwyddiant diweddar wrth sicrhau niferoedd myfyrwyr rhyngwladol cadarnhaol, a bydd y rôl hon yn parhau i arwain y newid diwylliannol tuag at amgylchedd sy'n cael ei ysgogi gan Ddangosyddion Perfformiad Allweddol. Rhoddir pwyslais sylweddol ar ddatblygu cysylltiadau effeithiol rhwng busnesau a gweithredu proses barhaus o wella prosesau a systemau.
Byddwch yn datblygu cysylltiadau gwaith cadarnhaol ar draws y brifysgol ac yn rheoli timau, cyllideb helaeth ac yn cymryd perchnogaeth dros lwyddiant recriwtio rhyngwladol ynghyd â thwf symudedd i’r brifysgol ac oddi yno. Mae’r swydd yn gofyn am rywun hyderus, blaengar a brwdfrydig, rhywun sy’n gallu newid diwylliannau gwaith a bod yn chwaraewr tîm ar draws y gyfarwyddiaeth ehangach.
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y cyfle newydd rhagorol hwn, ewch i
Dyddiad cau: Hanner dydd, dydd Llun, 27 Mawrth 2023.
Mae Prifysgol Bangor yn gwerthfawrogi amrywiaeth ein holl staff a'r cyfoethogi a ddaw yn sgil hynny i'n cymuned. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau awyrgylch cynhwysol a chefnogol i bawb sy'n dod atom i weithio. Ein nod yw manteisio ar bob cyfle i hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth ac rydym yn annog ceisiadau gan ymgeiswyr nad ydynt wedi'u cynrychioli'n ddigonol ar y lefel hon.
Bangor University, which celebrated its 125th anniversary in 2009, is an established University with an international reputation for teaching and research. Its mission is to be a leading university which fosters the intellectual and personal development of its students and staff, provides a supportive multicultural environment, promotes widening access and inclusiveness and supports the economic, social and cultural development of Wales and the wider community.
The University has over 11,000 students (of which around 1500 are international students) and approximately 2000 members of staff. There are 23 academic Schools, grouped into 5 Colleges. The University offers over 450 degree programmes, and has a turnover in excess of £120 million.
The University is located in an area of outstanding natural beauty - between the mountains of Snowdonia and the shores of the Menai Strait - and road and rail links to Liverpool, Manchester, London and elsewhere are excellent.
- Telephone
- +(44)01248383610
- Location
LL57 2DG
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