Internationalisation Strategy

Promoting international research collaboration and the internationalisation of junior researchers is required to strengthen TUD as a scientific location and the competitiveness of Germany as a research location in the long term. Today, successful research projects are more than ever international projects that thrive on the exchange of the ideas and the knowledge of mobile researchers.

Only as an attractive university within an international network will we be in a position to master global scientific and social challenges. Active international networking with the purpose of achieving top research results therefore represents one of our main areas of focus in this field of action. We wish to already integrate this subject in the education of our junior researchers and have set ourselves the goal of internationalising the doctoral phase, in particular with regard to increasing the number of international doctoral candidates.

We are making a name for ourselves internationally as an excellent university in order to succeed in the global competition for the brightest minds. The internationalisation of studying, teaching and research is essential to improve the international positioning of our University and its wide range of activities. Here, our main focus is on intensive cooperation with selected partner universities and networks to ensure our active performance in the worldwide scientific community. This also includes the international collaboration within our research alliance, DRESDEN-concept. Moreover, we are taking complementary measures to raise our profile and to make our University more visible both within Germany and on the international stage.